
December 15, 2009

Fifty Today

Thank goodness for frozen muffins. Yes, you could say things are a little busy round here.

Thank goodness for my mother-in-law. My one and only card.

Lunch at the cafe with two of my gremlins. Thanks guys.

Smelling good. Thanks M & N.

Thanks Gayle. My dear friend.

I hope you approve G. I am not feeling "dangly" like I was in my forties. I love these.

Thanks Borb. One can never have enough kitchen gadgets.

These should do the trick down on the farm next Sunday. Stylish yet practical.

My beautiful green emerald dress - hope I look nice at my party.

Fifty today and feelin' fine.


  1. AAAAWWWWWW A very happy birthday to You Mariana!!

    All those presents are wonderful..i especially love the sandals, the ear rings, the perfume, the spoons..oh thats all of it isnt it? lol

    You are sure going to look terrific in that emerald green dress too....Emerald green is my fave colour. I have a blouse in emerald green and I keep it like national treasure...I wear it only on special occasions...although it s a casual kind of blouse.....I find that green(emerald) and I get along so well together.

    Youre a shapely 50 year old too...good job!! I try my best too :))

    I was 50 three years ago... cant quite say what i felt....but optimistic is the only way to go.

    My mother is 83 and shes still driving around in the city, wearing high heels, has eyesight as sharp as a hawk (long distance),looking chic, is as healthy as a horse and still beautiful and looks 2o years younger. and she says a 70 year old is "oh so young!"lol

    50 is a To her.

    Enjoy your wonderful birthday Mariana...wish I cld bake you a cake :))

  2. A very, very, very Happy Birthday, to you!

  3. ...happy birthday...the passing years appears to fly by; every year is to be enjoyed and savored...

  4. Happy Birthday Mariana!

    sorry its late, took me ages to figure out how to post on this site. haha :)

    congrats on 50, half way there now.
    enjoy your day.


  5. Gosh zurin - you have given me hope that I needn't feel old after all. Your mother sounds like a real trouper! Good on her. I am curious though - you sound like you may have her good genes. Your kind words are very encouraging; much appreciated. Wow - you like emerald green too; our similarities keep growing.

    Thank you Chelsea, Diane and Baking Monster for your kind birthday greetings.

    What a lovely surprise Kenny! Well I'm glad you finally found me. Visit again, won't you now.
    PS: I miss seeing your chirpy, smiley face around here. Hope all is going well with you in your life. Take care and hope to see you some day soon. Mariana.

  6. I thought I had placed a comment but no I must have forgotten to do the letter!!!!!!! All I wanted to say was that I thought the earring looked lovely!!

  7. Happy birthday Mariana. Looks like you had a great day and got some lovely presents. It's always good to be a bit spoilt on your birthday, no matter the number of years. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  8. Oh My....Happy Belated Birthday...and there I was thinking it was the 20th. I hope that you had a wonderful day and enjoy your party. May your next fifty years be just as interesting as the last fifty ;-) Linda

  9. thanks for pointing that out Mariana if you hadn't I would have never known. :) I hope you birthday was swell.

  10. wishing you n your family a very merry christmas! Have a wonderful time. :)

  11. Thanks Stormy. You know how to spoil me. Love Mariana.

    So nice to hear from you Kathryn and even nicer to receive your birthday greetings. Tar.

    That's okay Linda. Unfortunately my birthday fell during the week, so I chose the following weekend. Another fifty - gee I'm not too sure about that, but thanks anyhow.

    No problem Baking Monster. I feel we ought to be honest with each other. Thanks for changing the colour of your writing. I can read it now!!

    You too zurin. I am sure your family shall be treated to some beautiful food. I hope they know how lucky they are to have you. Merry Xmas.

